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Hey! Your copy of SeaMonkey is more than four weeks old. Unless you are using the latest release or nightly build, bug reports get rapidly less useful the older your copy is.
So if you're not running the latest release (SeaMonkey 2.0.13), we could use your help testing either that or the latest nightly build. (Be warned that nightly builds are development software, and there is no guarantee that they won't fry your processor, insult your mother, or cause you to break out in a nasty rash.)
Hey! Your copy of SeaMonkey is outdated and we offer a newer testing version. Unless you are using the latest (testing) release or nightly build, bug reports get rapidly less useful the older your copy is.
So if you're not running the latest release (SeaMonkey 2.0.13) or the latest testing version (SeaMonkey 2.1 Beta 3), we could use your help testing either those or the latest nightly build. (Be warned that nightly builds are development software, and there is no guarantee that they won't fry your processor, insult your mother, or cause you to break out in a nasty rash.)

We encourage you to download the newer version linked in the download box at the right to be safe from known vulnerabilities and be able to use the newest features in a stable SeaMonkey release.
If you get this message despite having installed SeaMonkey 2.0.13 already, you might want to try resetting your user agent string to the default.
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SeaMonkey 2.0.13If that doesn't sound like something you meant to do, you might be better off with one of our stable releases. Otherwise, welcome aboard! Helping out won't take much of your time, doesn't require special skills, and will help improve SeaMonkey.
Thanks for visiting this SeaMonkey start page, even though it appears to us that you are not using SeaMonkey yet.
You can get the SeaMonkey suite, including browser, mail and more, for free download from the links shown on the right.
Download Now
SeaMonkey 2.0.13(e) martyn@xbrelectronics.com